HUG was a weekly site-specific performance that took place from 2010-2011 at various locations around Chicago. Every week for an hour Sara Zalek and I would hug one another continuously to promote love and healing through touch. We had a sandwich board with flyers available for passersby that said:
HUG! Reaching out to touch someone is a lasting symbol of what it means to be human and a universal sign of healing. So take a moment, today, any day, to stop, to breathe, to reach out, to hug someone! By doing so you will cultivate compassion, peace, joy, friendliness, and happiness in yourself and all around!
At the end of each hour-long hug we asked a stranger to take our photo. Each week we wrote about our experiences and that writing can be found here. In addition to our weekly Chicago hugs, we had guest couples join us by hugging in other locations, including New York City and San Diego. Guest huggers included Annie Rudnik, Mary Tabar, Beth Bullock, Karen Faith, Aidan Fitzpatrick, Rustel Weiss, and Rachel Tredon.